

The Cruyff Institute educates athletes, sport and business professionals to become leaders in Sport Management. STARTING 11 was invited to deliver a dual career workshop to serve their organisational development.

ROC van Amsterdam hosted this year’s Cruyff Management Day. The day served to strengthen the collaboration between the different Cruyff departments, represented by the team managers of all Cruyff Institute educational programmes: 4 Cruyff Colleges (vocational), 3 Cruyff Academies (Universities of Applied Sciences), the Cruyff Institute (Masters), and the general Cruyff Education management.

“In my opinion, athletes possess remarkable qualities. They are committed, eager to improve and goal-oriented. With these traits and the right academic training, our athletes become successful leaders in the world of Sports Management. Who better to serve the best interests of sport than someone who has the heart of an athlete?”
Johan Cruyff

Manage – Train – Counsel

STARTING 11 project leader Dennis van Vlaanderen was asked to present the European Dual Career Toolkit, and assist the different education institutes to exploit its potential for the sake of their further institutional and network development:

  • Our Manage tools were explained as a mean to refine/interlink the structures between the Cryuff Institute’s different programmes, as well as to better enable transitions between different educational levels.
  • Our Train tools were shown as practical workshop elements to enrich the institutes’ daily education programmes.
  • Our Counsel tools were finally presented as a resource to assist student mentors in their individual counsel sessions with athlete students.
Photo © Creative Commons/Wallpaper Flare